Category Archives: Education Opportunity

Open Science Pt. 2 - Open Data

For the second installment in our summer open science series, I’d like to talk about open data. This could very well be one of the more debated topics; I certainly know it always gets my colleagues opinions exposed very quickly in one direction or the other. I’d like to think about why we would do this, methods and challenges of open data, and close with my personal viewpoint on the topic.

What is Open Data?

Open data simply means putting data that supports your scientific arguments in a publicly available location for anyone to download, replicate your analysis, or try new kinds of analysis. This is now easier than ever for us to do with a vast array of services that offer hosting of data, code, etc. The fact that every researcher will likely have a fast internet connection makes most arguments about file size invalid, with the exception of very large (100’s of gigabytes) files. The quote below is a good starting place for our discussion:

Numerous scientists have pointed out the irony that right at the historical moment when we have the technologies to permit worldwide availability and distributed process of scientific data, broadening collaboration and accelerating the pace and depth of discovery…..we are busy locking up that data and preventing the use of correspondingly advanced technologies on knowledge.

- John Wilbanks, VP Science, Creative Commons

Why/Why-Not Open Data?

When I say that I put my data “out-there” for mass consumption, I often get strange looks from others in the field. Sometimes it is due to not being familiar with the concept, but other times it comes with the line “are you crazy?”  Let’s take a look at why and why-not to set data free.

First, let’s state the facts about why open data is good. I don’t think there is much argument on these points, then we’ll go on to address more two-sided facets of the idea. It is clear that open data has the potential to increase the friendliness of a group of knowledge workers and the ability to increase our collaboration potential. Sharing our data enables us to pull from data that has been collected by others, and gain new insights from other’s analysis and comments on our data. This can reduce the reproduction of work and hopefully increase the numbers of checks done on a particular analysis. It also gives our supporters (tax payers for most of us) the best “bang for their buck.” The more places that the same data is used, the cost per bit of knowledge extracted from it is reduced. Finally, open data prevents researchers from taking their body of knowledge “to the grave” either literally or metaphorically. Too often a grad student leaves a lab group to go on in their career and all of their data, notes, results, etc that are not published go with them. Later students have to reproduce some of the work for comparison using scant clues in papers, or email the original student and ask for the data. After some rummaging, they are likely emailed a few scattered, poorly formatted spreadsheets with some random sampling of the data that is worse than no data at all. Open data means that quality data is posted and available for anyone, including future students and future versions of yourself!

Like every coin, there is another side to open data. This side is full of “challenges.” Some of these challenges even pass the polite term and are really just full-blown problems. The biggest criticism is wondering why someone would make the data that they worked very hard to collect out in the open, for free, to be utilized by anyone and for any purpose. Maybe you plan on mining the data more yourself and are afraid that someone else will do that first. Maybe the data is very costly to collect and there is great competition to have the “best set” of data. Whatever the motivation, this complaint is not going to go away. Generally my reply to these criticisms goes along the lines of data citation. Data is becoming a commodity in any field (marketing, biology, music, geology, etc). The best way to be sure that your data is properly obtained is to make it open with citation. This means that people will use your data, because they can find it, but provide proper credit. There are a number of ways to get your data assigned a digital object identifier (DOI), including services like datacite. If anything, this protects the data collector by providing a time-stamp of doing data collection of phenomena X at a certain time with a time-stamped data entry. I’m also very hopeful that future tenure committees will begin to recognize data as a useful output, not just papers. I’ve seen too many papers that were published as a “data dump.” I believe that we are technologically past that now, if we can get past "publish or perish," we can stop these publications and just let the data speak for itself.

Another common statement is “my data is too complicated/specialized to be used by anyone else, and I don’t want it getting mis-used.” I understand the sentiment behind this statement, but often hear it as “I don’t want to dedicate time to cleaning up my data, I’ll never look at it after I publish this paper anyway.” Taking the time to clean up data for it to be made publicly available is when you have a second chance to find problems, make notes about procedures and observations, and make it clear exactly what happened during your experiment (physical or computational). I cannot even count the number of times I’ve looked back at old data and found notes to myself in the comments that helped guide me through re-analysis. These notes saved hours of time and possibly a few mistakes along the way.

Data Licensing

Like everything from software to intellectual property, open-data requires a license to work. No license on data is almost worse that no data at all because the hands of whoever finds it are legally bound to do nothing with it. There is even a PLOS article about licensing scientific software that is a good read and largely applies to data.

What data licensing options are available to you are largely a function of the country you work in and you should talk with your funding agency. The country or funding agency may limit the options you have. For example, any US publicly funded research must be available after a presidential mandate that data be open where possible “as a public good to advance government efficiency, improve accountability, and fuel private sector innovation, scientific discovery, and economic growth.” You can read all about it in the White House U.S. Open Data Action Plan. So, depending on your funding source you may be violating policy by hoarding your data.

There is one exception to this: Some data are export controlled, meaning that the government restricts what can be put out in the open for national security purposes. Generally this pertains to projects that have applications in areas such as nuclear weapons, missile guidance, sonar, and other defense department topics. Even in these cases, it is often that certain parts of the data may still be released (and should be), but it is possible that some bits of data or code may be confidential. Releasing these is a good way to end up in trouble with your government, so be sure to check. This generally applies to nuclear and mechanical engineering projects and some astrophysical projects.

File Formats

A large challenge to open data is the file formats we use to store our data. Often times the scientist will use an instrument to collect their data that stores information in a manufacturer specific, proprietary format. It is analyzed with proprietary software and a screen-shot of the results included in the publication. Posting that raw data from the instrument does no good since others must have the licensed and closed-source software to even open it. In many cases, the users pay many thousands of dollars a year for a software “seat” that allows them to use the software. If they stop paying, the software stops working… they never really own it. This is a technique that the instrument companies use to ensure continued revenue. I understand the strategy from a business perspective and understand that development is expensive, but this is the wrong business model for a research company. Especially considering that the software is generally difficult to use and poorly written.

Why do we still deal in proprietary formats? Often it is because that is what the software we use has, as mentioned above. Other times it is because legacy formats die hard. Research groups that have a large base of data in an outdated format are hesitant to update the format because it involves a lot of data maintenance. That kind of work is slow, boring, and unfunded. It’s no wonder nobody wants to do it! This is partially the fault of the funding structure, and unmaintained data is useless data and does not fulfill the “open” idea. I’m not sure what the best way to change this idea in the community is, but it must change. Recent competitions to “rescue” data from older publications are a promising start. Another, darker, reason is that some researches want to make their data obscure. Sure, it is posted online, so they claim it is “open”, but the format is poorly explained or there is no meta-data. This is a rare case, but in competitive fields can be found. This is data hoarding in the ugliest form under the guise of being open.

There are several open formats that are available for almost any kind of data including plain text, markdown, netCDF, HDF5, and TDMS. I was at a meeting a few years ago where someone argued that all data should be archived as Excel files because “you’ll always be able to open those.” My jaw dropped. Excel is a closed, XML based, format that you must have a closed-source program to open. Yes, Open Office can open those files, but compatibility can be sketchy. Stick to a format that can handle large files (unlike Excel), supports complex multi-dimensional data (unlike Excel), and has many tools in many languages to read/write it (unlike Excel).

The final format/data maintenance task is a physical format concern. Storage media changes with time. We have transitioned from tapes, floppy disks, CDs, and ZIP disks to solid state storage and large external hard-drives. I’m sure some folks have their data on large floppy disks, but haven’t had a computer to read them in years. That data is lost as well. Keeping formats updated is another thankless and unfunded task. Even modern hard-drives must be backed up and replaced after a finite shelf life to ensure data continuity. Until the funding agencies realize this, the best we can do is write in a small budget line-item to update our storage and maintain a safe and useful archive of our data.


The last item I want to talk about in this already long article is meta-data. Meta-data, as the name implies, are data about the data. Without the meta-data, most data are useless. Data must be accompanied by the experimental description, relevant parameters (who, when, where, why, how, etc), and information about what each data item means. Often this data lives in the pages of the laboratory notebooks of experimenters or on scraps of paper or whiteboards for modelers. Scanners with optical character recognition (OCR) can help solve that problem in many cases.

The other problems with meta-data are human problems. We think we’ll remember something, or we don’t have time to collect it. Anytime that I’ve thought I didn’t have time to write good notes, I payed by spending much more time after the fact figuring out what happened. Collecting meta-data is something we can’t ever do enough of and need to train ourselves to do. Again, it is a thankless and unfunded job… but just do it. I’ve even just turned on a video or audio recorder before and dictated what I’m doing. If you are running a complex analysis procedure, flip on a screen capture program and make a video of doing it to explain it to your future self and anyone else who is interested.

Meta-data is also a tricky beast because we never know what to record. Generally, record everything you think is relevant, then record everything else. In rock mechanics we generally record stress conditions, but never think to write down things like temperature and humidity in the lab. Well, we never think to until someone proves that humidity makes a difference in the results. Now all of our old data could be mined to verify/refute that hypothesis, except we don’t have the meta-data of humidity. While recording everything is impossible, it is wise to record everything that you can within a reasonable budget and time commitment. Consistency is key. Recording all of the parameters every time is necessary to be useful!

Final Thoughts

Whew! That is a lot of content. I think each item has a lot unsaid still, but this is where my thinking currently sits on the topic. I think my view is rather clear, but I want to know how we can make it better. How can we share in fair and useful ways? Everyone is imperfect at this, but that shouldn’t stop us from striving for the best results we can achieve! Next time we’ll briefly mention an unplanned segment on open-notebooks, then get on to open-source software. Until then, keep collecting, documenting, and sharing. Please comment with your thoughts/opinions!

The flight of the frisbee

It is finally summer and I see lots of people playing all sorts of outdoor sports. While I have never been a big sports player, it is fun to watch. There are a lot of physics involved in most sports, so maybe that is a line of posts worth investigating. I do have a post series on open source science planned that will last most of the summer, but maybe we can keep sports in mind next year?

This post is a resurrection of a post I started a couple of years ago and never got around to finishing. In an effort to tie up loose ends, here we go! How does a frisbee fly? I wondered this when we discovered that my fiancée can throw a frisbee upside down sometimes with results that flew surprisingly far. To understand what is happening we need to look at the fundamental physics of frisbee flight, make some measurements, then try to draw some conclusions. Turns out there is a lot of research on the aerodynamics of flying discs, so I'll hit the important points and leave links to let you dig down the wiki-hole with me if you wish. To start out, check out a copy of "Spinning Flight" by Ralph Lorenz at your library.

The physics of frisbee flight

While in flight, our frisbee will experience several forces governing its movement including gravity, lift, drag, and a torque from its angular momentum. We will quickly look at each of these, but we are not going to fully model the system (though it could be fun!)

Forces on a frisbee. (Image:

Forces on a frisbee. (Image:

First off, Gravity is the most obvious and intuitive of these forces. Everything is pulled towards the earth's center of mass by gravity at about 9.81m/s/s. If we just place the frisbee on the table, it will experience a force resulting from the acceleration of gravity. If we drop it, it will be accelerated downward. The velocity of falling objects has been fully investigated and we won't go into that too deeply. For now, simply assume that we could calculate the velocity of a dropped object or calculate the acceleration of an object if we know its fall rate.

Lift is what may be the most important force in this study. Believe it or not, a frisbee experiences lift following the same principles as a traditional wing or rotor blade. As the frisbee cuts through the air, some of the oncoming air goes over the frisbee, some goes under. The air streams have to meet up in the lee of the frisbee and since we cannot create or destroy air, we must have continuity and conservation. The air on top has to move faster for this to hold, it has longer to travel after all, and the air below can move more slowly. Thanks to Bernoulli's principle, we know that air moving faster will have a decreased pressure. This isn't anything new; in fact, Daniel Bernoulli published this idea in 1738! With fast air on top of the frisbee and slower air below, there is high pressure below and low pressure above the disk. From a difference in pressure we get the force of lift (more generally called a pressure gradient force).

Lift force from a pressure differential. (Image

Lift force from a pressure differential. (Image

Drag is the reason that our frisbee does not fly off into the distance. Drag is the force that slows the frisbee down as it pushes through the dense atmosphere. We could try to measure the drag through our later analysis, but that itself it a very deep task that we could spend a lot of time on.

Finally, comes the torque from the angular momentum of our frisbee. Have you tried to throw a frisbee without spinning it? In theory it would fly right? It's just a circular wing after all. Well, that turns out to be a pretty unstable way to fly your disc. Generally it will turn up, stall, and then fall like a rock. Why? Thanks to some spatial change in the lift force, the front of the disc will be lifted with slightly more force than the back, causing the disc to torque over to the back. In fact, I'll save you the trouble, you can watch my feeble attempts below. We could try to outfit our frisbee with control surfaces to help it maintain the proper angle of attack, but that is heavy, complicated, and would mean dead batteries would plague playing kids and dogs. Surely there is a more simple way?

Of course! Let's spin the frisbee when we throw it! When we throw the disc and it spins, we get gyroscopic stability and the possibility to see the cool spinning designs we print on the toy. We can determine that this torque will point vertically through the top of the frisbee. If you remember the right hand rule, you'll see that for my right-handed clockwise throw, the torque vector will point towards the ground. For the south-paws out there, your torque vector will point towards the sky. The important thing is that it will try to counteract the tendency of the lift moment to make the frisbee backflip. Granted, it will not win forever. Eventually the flight will become unstable, but we can maintain steady flight for several seconds. Depending on the force balance, we'll also expect to see the frisbee's vertical axis precess around true "up".

Taking measurements

To take some measurements of frisbee flight, I created an instrumented frisbee. Turns out, I'm not the first one to do this. Lorenz made an instrumented frisbee in the early 2000's and then improved it by adding a plethorera of sensors. I decided that a simple accelerometer would be enough for my investigation. While adding angle sensors and such would be interesting, let's keep it simple for a first pass. Maybe adding a 9 degree of freedom inertial measurement unit would be fun, but that's an idea for another time. Actually, the gyroscope data from that would be incredibly useful.

I used an Arduino Pro Mini for my micro controller, an accelerometer, and SD card logger for the sensor and logging system. I ended up just trying to read the sensor in single shot mode as fast as possible. This gave a data rate of around 180-200 Hz with time-stamps in microseconds on each packet. Sure, we could make this part a little more slick, but again, the KISS principle rules for these first hacks at a problem . Power comes from a pair of CR2032 coin cell batteries. All of this was hot glued down and hopefully made as aerodynamic as possible without coweling the whole assembly. Should we wish to improve this, I would directly solder the wires to the boards instead of using header connectors and cover everything in kapton tape.

If you are interested in trying this yourself, the Arduino sketch is at the bottom of this post.


To approximate the speed of the frisbee I will have some video of the flights that we can look at to get some rough numbers to work with. These were just filmed with a DSLR camera, so this is something you can try at home! The newer iPhones are actually even faster than this camera, but I didn't have a tripod mount handy for my 6+ when I filmed this.

Data analysis

First, let's look at the film of a flight to figure out how fast the frisbee throw is on average. We could look at how long the flight was and how far is was and get an average velocity with v=d/t. That's great, but we can do one better! Through the magic of image tracking, we can get the position of the frisbee in each frame of the video and calculate the velocity profile during the flight. While probably not totally necessary, why not?

I'll use the Tracker video analysis software for this. We read in the video, setup some coordinate systems, markers, etc, and let it churn. If the frisbee veers in the third dimension (into or out of the screen) we won't get that information because we are just tracking its center in a 2D picture. Hence, I'll try to keep the throws gentle! We'll look at the stall, upside-down, and normal throws:

To keep this short, I'll tell you that the forward speed of these throws looks to top out at about 5 m/s. Again, we could go down the hole of getting drag from the slight deceleration in forward speed with time, but it really doesn't slow us much... the ground beats drag to stopping our frisbee.

We can see that the stall throw drops very quickly without really flying. In fact, it mostly is flipping end-over-end. The regular and upside-down throws look like they have a similar flight profile from the video. This means I must have not been as consistent as I had hoped with my throwing strength. We know that without the lift component that the upside-down throw should follow a more parabolic path than the regular throw. Also, my regular throw was pretty weak to keep the frisbee in the frame and minimally veering, so it didn't have enough lift to show us long periods of stable flight.



Next, let's look at the accelerometer data. The data is stored in a text file with the millisecond time stamp, and then each of the three axes acceleration measurements. I've plotted the radial (outward from the center) and vertical accelerations. Since the accelerometer was mounted near the rim of the frisbee, we will see relatively large signals from the wobble in flight.

We'll start with the normal throw this time. The accelerometer is roughly calibrated at the factory, but don't worry about the absolute values too much here. We see me pull back to throw as a upturn in the radial, then a large negative (outward) acceleration from the spinning of the disc during flight. Roughly a couple of g's here. The vertical is interesting through. We see the roughly -10m/s/s from the Earth's gravity as a prepare to throw and after the landing, but during flight we see a near zero vertical acceleration that trends downward. What is it? Lift! This is the flight of the frisbee that is gradually reduced as drag slows us and the angle of attack becomes non-ideal. We are expecting that we don't totally counteract gravity because flight is not sustained and our frisbee does not go on forever. This was a pretty gentle and short flight, but followed our expectations in terms of the forces at work. We can even see some precession in the vertical in the neighborhood of about 4 times/second. Unknown-3


Next, we'll look at the stall throw. This isn't spinning so we don't expect to see a lot of radial acceleration once the throw leaves our hands, but we do expect to see some lift for a short period of time, then a stall and fall.  That is what we get, too! The spike in the blue curve at 0.5 seconds is my push to accelerate the frisbee, then there are few other radial accelerations recorded (except the impact). There should be some small accelerations from the flip of the disc, but they are tiny here. The vertical trend up and down just before 1 second is the frisbee flipping over once. The only real lift is just a tiny fraction of a second before the front is lifted up. After that, we are really just in free-fall.



Finally, the elusive upside-down throw. The frisbee starts out upside-down, so the acceleration of gravity now shows as positive (look after the landing for example). We still see radial acceleration from the spinning and we also see a reduction in the vertical acceleration. This can't be lift, but is probably some axis mis-alignment on the sensor. We still see precession as the torque tries to keep the disc horizontal.


What did we learn?

We learned about all of the forces at play in the flight of a frisbee, lift, drag, etc. We measured some flight paths and acceleration profiles. These were not quite as clear cut as I had hoped though. We still saw that flying right side up works pretty well, but upside down "flight" is basically spin-stabilized falling with a lot of forward momentum. Throwing with no spin quickly results in a pitch-up and stall.

We'll see what happens with this. If people are interested we could think about adding an IMU to the setup with better positioning and balance. We could also just put a light on a frisbee and track it with a time-lapse photo. This turned out to be a fascinating look at flight, acceleration measurement, and video tracking! If you are wondering about numerical modeling, there is a really nice report from MIT that develops a good model.

#include <SPI.h>
#include <SD.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include <Adafruit_Sensor.h>
#include <Adafruit_ADXL345_U.h>

/* Assign a unique ID to this sensor at the same time */
Adafruit_ADXL345_Unified accel = Adafruit_ADXL345_Unified(12345);

const int chipSelect = 4;

File dataFile;

void displaySensorDetails(void)
sensor_t sensor;
Serial.print ("Sensor: "); Serial.println(;
Serial.print ("Driver Ver: "); Serial.println(sensor.version);
Serial.print ("Unique ID: "); Serial.println(sensor.sensor_id);
Serial.print ("Max Value: "); Serial.print(sensor.max_value); Serial.println(" m/s^2");
Serial.print ("Min Value: "); Serial.print(sensor.min_value); Serial.println(" m/s^2");
Serial.print ("Resolution: "); Serial.print(sensor.resolution); Serial.println(" m/s^2");

void displayDataRate(void)
Serial.print ("Data Rate: ");

case ADXL345_DATARATE_3200_HZ:
Serial.print ("3200 ");
case ADXL345_DATARATE_1600_HZ:
Serial.print ("1600 ");
case ADXL345_DATARATE_800_HZ:
Serial.print ("800 ");
case ADXL345_DATARATE_400_HZ:
Serial.print ("400 ");
case ADXL345_DATARATE_200_HZ:
Serial.print ("200 ");
case ADXL345_DATARATE_100_HZ:
Serial.print ("100 ");
case ADXL345_DATARATE_50_HZ:
Serial.print ("50 ");
case ADXL345_DATARATE_25_HZ:
Serial.print ("25 ");
case ADXL345_DATARATE_12_5_HZ:
Serial.print ("12.5 ");
case ADXL345_DATARATE_6_25HZ:
Serial.print ("6.25 ");
case ADXL345_DATARATE_3_13_HZ:
Serial.print ("3.13 ");
case ADXL345_DATARATE_1_56_HZ:
Serial.print ("1.56 ");
case ADXL345_DATARATE_0_78_HZ:
Serial.print ("0.78 ");
case ADXL345_DATARATE_0_39_HZ:
Serial.print ("0.39 ");
case ADXL345_DATARATE_0_20_HZ:
Serial.print ("0.20 ");
case ADXL345_DATARATE_0_10_HZ:
Serial.print ("0.10 ");
Serial.print ("???? ");
Serial.println(" Hz");

void setup(void)
Serial.println("Accelerometer Test"); Serial.println("");

/* Initialise the sensor */
/* There was a problem detecting the ADXL345 ... check your connections */
Serial.println("Ooops, no ADXL345 detected ... Check your wiring!");

/* Set the range to whatever is appropriate for your project */
// displaySetRange(ADXL345_RANGE_8_G);
// displaySetRange(ADXL345_RANGE_2_G);

/* Display some basic information on this sensor */

/* Display additional settings (outside the scope of sensor_t) */
Serial.print("Initializing SD card...");
// make sure that the default chip select pin is set to
// output, even if you don't use it:
pinMode(SS, OUTPUT);

// see if the card is present and can be initialized:
if (!SD.begin(chipSelect)) {
Serial.println("Card failed, or not present");
// don't do anything more:
while (1) ;
Serial.println("card initialized.");

char filename[15];
strcpy(filename, "ACCLOG00.TXT");
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
filename[6] = '0' + i/10;
filename[7] = '0' + i%10;
// create if does not exist, do not open existing, write, sync after write
if (! SD.exists(filename)) {

dataFile =, FILE_WRITE);
if( ! dataFile ) {
Serial.print("Couldnt create ");
Serial.print("Writing to ");

void loop(void)
/* Get a new sensor event */
for(int i=0; i < 100; i++){
sensors_event_t event;

Mentorship - In Memory of Prof. Ernst Deiter-Schmitter

Prof. Schmitter (far right)

Prof. Schmitter (far right)

I had been thinking about a blog post on the importance of being a mentor in an academic setting (or any other setting really). Unfortunately I lost one of my early mentors and wanted to write a short story to show the impact that being a mentor can have.

When I was in high-school I was fascinated by tornadoes and electric fields. I still am. I decided that I wanted to research the connection, so I began to read lots of literature on the subject (my first exposure to peer-reviewed papers) and looking for places I could contribute. I landed on the Yahoo Groups page of a group dedicated to ULF/VLF studies. After asking some very basic questions, I ended up chatting with Prof. Schmitter through e-mail. After weeks of communication and beginning to design an instrument, he inquired as to which institution I was at. I replied that I was a high school student, expecting to never hear back from him. The response was exactly the opposite. Ernst re-doubled his efforts to help me undertake a project.

This effort wasn't to check off a box on a funding agency outreach goal sheet, but it was a true excitement to help a student learn. I was very excited about the whole thing! We did design an instrument that I constructed at my home in Arkansas. Some friends and I took it to the field and collected data. After returning, I sent Ernst the data and he suggested we write a publication.

Having never written anything more than a detailed physics lab report before, this was an incredible learning experience.  We worked the paper over a few times and had a couple of Skype calls about it. He submitted the paper, absorbing the cost of publication. That was my first scientific article.

Did I mention that he was a professor in Germany? We never met in person. I had seen his recent publications come out and kept meaning to email and update him that I had again been working in electrostatics. I didn't get it done. It had been too many years since we talked. I do have a new instrument that we designed some years ago that still needs to be built and tested, but it will surely be many times more difficult now.

What is the lesson in this other than contacting people before you can't anymore? It's is that you never know who you will inspire. Without pushes from Prof. Schmitter I probably wouldn't have finished the project and published anything. That publication helped me get a foot in the door of the research field. That's how I found out I wanted to do research as a career (thanks to several other amazing mentors). The lesson is that taking the time to talk to interested students is one way to have a lasting impact, even after your time.

I consider myself incredibly lucky to have had as many amazing mentors and teachers at every stage of my life. I'm in much deeper service debt than I can ever hope to pay off in one lifetime. I want to thank everyone reading this for encouraging me through direct contact or just by supporting this blog with your readership. This post serves to show that everyone of you make a difference in the lives of others everyday.

* I looked back through our emails had we had nearly 200 pages of email exchange before I had finished my first year of college. That's a lot of information!

Knowing the Fundamentals

Ok, I've been sitting on this topic for awhile, but I was recently inspired to revive this post after being asked some very general questions by a tour group that came through the lab. Next time we'll be back to doing some data collection and analysis. Maybe gravity tide measurements? Anyhow, on with the topic of the day: knowing the fundamentals.

On a (now old) episode of the podcast Technical Difficulties, Gabe Weatherhead (@macdrifter) was chatting with Brett Terpstra (@ttscoff) and Rob Trew (@complexpoint). The show was mostly about how everyone got started writing computer code and some tool suggestions. One line made me stop on my walk home to type it into my reminders to write this post.

Rob quoted a line from the Windows 95 API Manual (a programming interface manual for the non-programmers out there). It said "The nature of an expert is not someone who knows all the details, it's someone who understands the fundamentals really well." Rob points out that therein lies the key to problem solving. This statement really resonated with me when I looked back on problems that I've encountered in the past, both scientific and technological.

We often think of an expert as someone that is in the top few percent of the knowledge leaders in their field. Experts should know all of the details of their subject, including the latest "bleeding edge" research right? While many experts do stay up to date, I began re-examining the people that I considered to be experts.

The professor may be the ideal example of this. While academics often get the connotation of the aloof and socially insulated genius, it's really not true. (In fact, our academic heroes are just people too, listen to the latest Nerds on Draft for that side story.) Professors have to teach the same material over and over again during their career. Sure, they should be pushing the frontiers of their field within their research group, but that's not what should be done in the education potion of the career. When you teach something, you end up deeply learning it yourself. In fact, that is part of the value in teaching! Be continually re-iterating the fundamentals to ourselves, we can stay primed to approach a new problem with a honed set of tools.

What could these fundamentals be? Well, that depends on your work. Maybe it is knowing the basics of programming or how to do basic chemical balance/thermodynamics calculations. Maybe it is knowing the fundamental operation of the product that you sell, or knowing the backstory to a concept you are helping someone with (such as the history of a topic).

I can't count the number of times that I've been trying to figure out a solution to a problem or how to build something when, after hours of no progress, something will make me start again. This time I look from a fundamentals viewpoint and can generally see a way to a solution or at least enough of the way to be able to ask an intelligent question.

Ideally, we are prepared for this way of problem solving by getting the basics of many fields during our undergraduate careers. Unfortunately that doesn't always happen. We have all sat in a math class, economics class, etc when the professor goes deep into a subject that they adore and leaves us in the dust. Another common occurrence is that the application of the fundamentals is not shown or sometimes not even implied. Not that students should be guided by the hand to the solution, but sometimes a firm nudge is necessary. I didn't necessarily appreciate this early in my undergraduate career, but later became a mass consumer of basic knowledge.

Next time you are on Amazon or in the library, browse over to a section with a topic of interest and pick up an introductory book. Read some sections, try some problems, and you'll be amazed at the other angles you can suddenly see as avenues of attack to a problem. You can even pickup some of your old text books and remind yourself of the fundamentals that all too often slip from our minds with time.

Measuring the Speed of Sound

In the past on the "Don't Panic Geocast" we've talked about the speed of sound varying with temperature and how that can cause sound waves to bend. This phenomena, known as refraction, can result in all kinds of weird events, like being able to hear things from very far away when a thermal inversion is present in the atmosphere.

As I was researching some for that episode, I found that the standard formula for the speed of sound with temperature is a nice simple linear function over the ranges we care about. True, pressure and humidity can factor in there, but for simplicity, let's consider the largest factor... Temperature.

Formula for the speed of sound in dry air in m/s. Temperature is Celsius.

Formula for the speed of sound in dry air in m/s. Temperature is Celsius.

The formula above means that the speed of sound varies with temperature by 0.6 meters/second for every degree celsius of temperature change. That's about 2 ft/s for those of us more used to imperial units. A change that large should be pretty easy to see, right? This experiment and post were born from that statement.

To measure the speed of sound, I had several ideas. I could generate a short burst of noise and using an oscilloscope time how long it took to get to a microphone. That would require me to manually make the measurements, which probably means not a ton of data points since I'd have to either use the refrigerator to get a temperature difference or sit outside for a day. Neither of those were appealing. I ended up remembering some hardware that I had sitting around from the ultrasonic cave profiler.

The part of interest is the ultrasonic ranger. This little device (an SRF05) sends out a packet of ultrasonic pings and listens for their return. The device lets us know how long this takes by toggling an output from a digital 1 to digital 0. I already had the code to run this sensor, so I was half way there! The next thing I needed was a way to log the data. I didn't want to leave the door to the outside open to get power out there for the setup. I ended up using an SD card logger on top of the Arduino that was keeping track of the travel time.

Finally, we needed a target to range. Luckily, this was easy to do with some wood sticks, hot glue, and a plexiglass base plate. I glued the target to the base 260mm from where the pinger was mounted. After a couple of quick tests, I had verified that the setup was working! Adding a temperature and humidity sensor to the breadboard gave us everything we needed. Time to collect some data!


Schematic of sound packets being transmitted and reflected. Really these are spherical wave-fronts, but the illustration is much cleaner this way!

Luckily, we've had pretty wide temperature swings during the day here in Pennsylvania lately. Using a decent sized 12V battery and voltage converter I could get days of run time on a single charge. To get the best data possible, I averaged many travel times per sample. This took less than a minute to do, which is fine since temperature isn't changing that rapidly.

The complete setup in a tub ready to collect data outside.

The complete setup in a tub ready to collect data outside.

Now that a simple apparatus was complete, I placed it in a Rubbermaid tub to keep any stray precipitation (or the rodents) from damaging things. The data was stored in a text file containing two-way travel time to/from the target in microseconds, device estimated distance to target, and the temperature/humidity readings. I collected several days worth of data, each time slightly improving my recording setup to get the cleanest data. I had problems with days where the temperature varied very fast and it appears to have introduced noise, some days there was direct sunlight (a rare thing in the PA winters) that caused very high temperatures and convection in the tub. Finally, on the last day of my experiment, I got a nice data set. It was a day with slowly varying temperatures and mostly cloudy. I trimmed the ends of the data so things were equilibrated and got some decent results!


If we plot the temperature and the speed of sound against each other, we see what looks like a line! The steps are a result of being at the smallest increments in time that our system can sense. A better sensor could solve this, but for a rough estimate it turns out to be fine. Finding the best fit through this should tell us how well our measurements match the accepted formula. The slope of the line represents the rate of change of the speed with temperature (this should sound familiar to those calc. students out there), and the intercept represents the speed of sound at zero degrees.



We got the rate of change dead on! In fact we are within a few percent of the accepted value. The y-intercept is off by about 6 m/s, but I think that is a systematic offset due to a delay in the way the sensor is read. We could back that out, but maybe that is another topic for another time, or maybe we'll try this again with a different sensor. Please leave any comments or questions below!

Going to the Science Fair

2015-02-23 19.16.17

Explaining doppler RADAR with an actual demo!


This past week I got to relive some of my favorite days of primary education: the science fair!  A local elementary school was hosting their annual science fair and had asked the department to provide some demonstrations for the parents and students to see. I immediately volunteered our lab group and began to gather up the required materials. Some of the setups were made years ago by my advisor. I also developed a few and improved upon others here and there. I thought it would be fun to share the experience with you.

2015-02-23 18.09.58

The line-up of demonstrations setup as the science fair was getting started.


At some point, we should probably have a post or two about each of these demonstrations, but today we'll look at pictures and talk about the general feedback I received. First, off we had four demonstrations including the earthquake cycle, how rocks are like springs, seismometers, and Doppler RADAR. I made an 11x17" poster for each demo in Adobe Illustrator using a cartoon technique that one of our professors here shared with me.

Screenshot 2015-02-28 14.41.01

Here is an example poster from one of the demonstrations.


For scientists, communicating with the public can be difficult. It's easy for us to get holed up in our little niche of work and forget that talking about a topic like power spectra isn't everyday to pretty much everyone. Outreach events like this present a great opportunity to work on those skills! This particular event was especially challenging for me because the children were K-5, much younger than I usually talk to. With high school students you can maybe talk about the frequency of a wave and not get too many lost looks, but not with grade-schoolers!

The other difficulty was adapting what are deep topics (each demo is an entire field of research, or several) to the short attention span we had to work with. Elementary school teachers are masters of this and I would love to get some ideas from them on how to work with the younger minds. I spent most of my time talking about the Doppler effect with the RADAR (it's the topic my lab mates were least comfortable with since we don't deal with RADAR at work generally). By the end of the science fair, I had an explanation down that involved asking the kids to wave their hand slowly and quickly in front of the RADAR and listen to how the pitch of the output changed. Comparing that to the classic example of the pitch bending of a passing fire truck siren seemed to work pretty well. I had a "waterfall" spectra display that showed the measured velocity with time, but other than trying to get the line to go higher than their friends, it didn't get much science across (though lots of healthy competition and physical exercise was encouraged).

2015-02-23 18.16.49

An excited student jumps up and down to see herself on a geophone display.


In the past, I've pointed out the value of being an "expert generalist". All of us were tested in any possible facet of science by questions from the kids and their parents. I ended up discussing gravitational sling-shot effects on space probes with a student and his parents who were incredibly interested in spaceflight. I also got quizzed about why the snow forecasts had been so bad lately, when the next big earthquake would be, and a myriad of other questions. Before talking to any public group, it's also good to make sure you are relatively up-to-date on current events, general theory, and are ready to critically think about questions that sound deceptively simple!

The last point I want to bring up today is the idea of comparisons. These are numbers that one of my committee members likes to say he "carries around in his shirt pocket." These are numbers that let us, as scientists, relate to others that are non-specialists and give us some physical attachment to a measurement.  What do I mean? Let's say that I tell you that tectonic plates move anywhere from 2-15 cm/year. Great, first, since we are in the U.S.A., everyone will hold out their fingers to try to get an idea of what this means in imperial units.... not quite 1-6 in/year. That's better, but a year is a long time and I can't really visualize moving that slowly since nothing I'm used to seeing everyday is that slow... or is it? Turns out that fingernails, on average, grow 3.6 cm/year and hair grows about 15 cm/year. Close enough! In Earth science we have lots of approximate numbers, so these tiny differences are not really that bad. Now let's revise our statement to the kids to say: "The Earth is made of big blocks of rock called plates. These move around at about the speed your finger nails or hair grow!" Now it is something that anyone can relate to, and next time they clip their nails or get a hair cut, they just might remember something about plate tectonics! It's not about having exact figures in the minds of everyone, it's about providing a hand-hold that anybody can relate to! This deserves a post to itself though.

That's all for now, but I'd love to hear back from anyone who has elementary education experience or has their own "shirt pocket numbers."


Raindrops Keep Falling on my Radar - Part 2

Last time we looked at the raindrop fall speed of raindrops during a thunderstorm and compared the radar reflected power to my observations of the storm moving through State College. Today, thanks to Yvette Richardson and Bill Syrett from the Penn State Meteorology Department, we can compare the radar returns to actual weather station data. They were able to provide data from a weather station on top of the meteorology building on campus, about 3 miles from where my radar was located.

We expect more power to be returned to the radar during periods of heavy rain, so the main variable of interest is the rain rate. We'll plot up a couple of other meteorological variables just for fun as well. The weather station recorded observations every minute. I had to venture my best guess at the units based on their values. The rain rate values are low. Another station that I don't have the time-series for reported a maximum rain rate of 0.26 in/hr. Either way, let's examine the relative changes.



Looking at the plot we can see that our prediction of higher rain rate equaling more reflected power holds. Unfortunately, the weather station didn't record precipitation rate with very fine resolution, so we really can only match the peak rain rate with the peak reflected power. The vertical red line marks the time of a weather service doppler radar screenshot we looked at in the last post that was right before the heaviest rain arrived. We also observe the higher wind speeds with the gust front ahead of the storm. As the storm passed over we saw decreasing pressures as well. The temperature and humidity aren't shown because they really weren't that interesting.

Now that we've verified our hypothesis (roughly anyway) about precipitation rate and radar return, we are ready to look at different types of reflectors. Next time, we will look at radar data collected during a snow storm for return intensity and the fall speed of snow flakes. That speed can be compared with video of falling snow for verification. Stay tuned!

Raindrops Keep Falling on my Radar - Part 1

What's the most complicated way to say it's raining? Well, if you know me, you know it will involve electronics, sensors, and signal processing! This post was originally going to compare the fall velocity for rain, sleet, and snow. Unfortunately, I haven't been lucky enough to be home to run my radar when it was snowing. It will happen this winter, but we'll start looking at some data now. Want to review radar before we get started? We have already talked about looking at the doppler signature of cars and got a tour of a mobile weather radar.

Back in October we had a couple of squall lines come through. On the 3rd, there was a significant event with two lines of storms. I had just been experimenting with measuring rainfall velocity with the modified X-band radar, so I decided to try another experiment. I put the radar unit in a trashcan and covered it with plastic bags. Then I sat it outside on our balcony and recorded for about 2.5 hours.

Testing the radar setup before the rain with some passing cars as targets.

Testing the radar setup before the rain with some passing cars as targets.

There is a radar in there! My make-shift rain proof radome. The only problem was a slight heat buildup after several hours of continuous operation.

There is a radar in there! My make-shift rain proof radome. The only problem was a slight heat buildup after several hours of continuous operation.

Not only do we get the doppler shift (i.e. velocity of the raindrops), but we get the reflected power. I'm not going to worry about calibrating this, but we can confidently say that the more (or larger) raindrops that are in the field of view of the radar, the more power will be reflected back.

First, let's look at a screenshot of the local weather service radar. You can see my location (blue cross) right in front of the second line of showers. At this point we had already experienced one period of heavy rain and were about to experience another that would gradually taper off into a very light shower. This was one of the nicer systems that came through our area this fall.

A capture of our local weather radar, my location is the blue cross directly ahead of the storm.

A capture of our local weather radar, my location is the blue cross directly ahead of the storm.

Now if we look at the returned power to the radar over time, we can extract some information. First off, I grouped the data into 30-second bins, so we calculate the average returned power twice per minute. Because of some 32-bit funny business in the computations, I just took the absolute value of the signal from the radar mixer, binned it, and averaged.

Reflected power received by the radar over time. The vertical red line is the time that the radar screen shot above was taken.

Reflected power received by the radar over time. The vertical red line is the time that the radar screen shot above was taken. We can see the arrival and tapering off of the storms.

From this chart we can clearly see the two lines of storms that came over my location. We also see lots of little variations in the reflected power. To me the rain-rate seemed pretty constant. My best guess is that we are looking at skewing of the data due to wind. This could be solved with a different type of radar, which I do plan to build, but that doesn't help this situation.

Let's look at what inspired this in the first place, the rainfall velocity. From a chart of terminal velocities, we can see that we expect to get drops falling between 4.03-7.57 m/s for moderate rain and 4.64-8.83 m/s for heavy rain. Taking a 5 minute chunk of data starting at 60 minutes into the data (during high reflectivity on the chart above), we can compute the doppler frequency content of the signal. Doing so results in the plot below, with the velocity ranges above shaded.


Doppler frequency content of 5-minutes of data starting at 60 minutes into recording. The blue box shows doppler frequencies corresponding to moderate rain, and the red box corresponding to heavy rain.

Based on what I see above, I'd say that we fall right in line with the 0.25"-1" rain/hour data bracket! There is also the broad peak down at just under 100 Hz. This is pretty slow (about 1 m/s). What could it be? I'm not positive, but my best guess is rain splattering and rebounding off the top of my flat radar cap. I'm open to other suggestions though. Maybe part of this could be rain falling of the eve of the building in the edge of the radar view? The intensity seems rather high though. (It was also suggested that this could be a filter or instrument response artifact. Sounds like a clear air calibration may help.)

So, what's next? We'll take some clear-air calibration data and the use data from a Penn State weather station to see what the rain rate actually was and what the winds were doing. Maybe we can get a rain-rate calibration for this radar from our data. See you then!

Thank you to Chuck Ammon for discussions on these data!


Don't Panic Geocast - Now on Your Radio!


I would like to announce the official release of the first episode of the "Don't Panic Geocast!" This is something that has been in the works since earlier this summer. Each week Shannon Dulin and I will be discussing geoscience (geology, meteorology, etc) and technology. Please be sure to add us to your feeds and checkout our first show!

Sensors, Sensors Everywhere!

This year at the fall meeting of the American Geophysical Union, I presented an education abstract in addition to my normal science content. In this talk, I wanted to raise the awareness of how easy it is to work with electronics and collect geoscience relevant data. This post is here to provide anyone that was at the talk, or anyone interested, with the content, links, and resources!

Sensors and microcontrollers and coming down in price thanks to mass production and advances in process technology. This means that it is now incredibly cheap to collect both education and research grade data. Combine this with the emergence of the "Internet of Things" (IoT), and it makes an ideal setup for educators and scientists. To demonstrate this, we setup a small three-axis magnetometer to measure the Earth's magnetic field and connected it to the internet through I really think that involving students in the data collection process is important. Not only do they realize that instruments aren't black boxes, that errors are real, and that data is messy, but they become attached to the data. When a student collects the data themselves, they are much more likely to explore and be involved with it than if the instructor hands them a "pre-built" data set.

For more information, watch the 5-minute talk (screencast below) and checkout the links is the resources section. As always, email, comments, etc are welcome and encouraged!


Talk Relevant Links

- Slides from the talk
- This blog! I post lots of electronics/data/science projects throughout the year.
- Raspberry Pi In The Sky
- Kicksat Project
- Weather Underground PWS Network
- uRADMonitor
- Our IoT magnetometer data stream
- Python Notebooks
- GitHub repository for the 3D Compass demo
- AGU Pop-Up Session Blog

Parts Suppliers

- Adafruit
- Sparkfun
- Digikey
- Element14

Assorted Microcontrollers/Computers

- Beagle Bone
- Raspberry Pi
- Arduino
- Propeller
- MBed
- Edison
- MSP430
- Light Blue Bean


- Thingiverse 3D printing repository
- Maker blogs from places like Hackaday, MAKE, Adafruit, Sparkfun, etc